The Law Office of Jimmy W. Go offers office, phone, and video conference consultations to prospective clients. During the consultation, the attorney will evaluate your case, review your relevant documentation, and answer any questions you may have. By the end of the consultation, you will have a clear understanding of your different options and the associated costs for each.
FEES FOR LEGAL SERVICES: The initial consultation fee for Jimmy Go is $380, with higher fees for employment and business visa consultations. This fee is payable at the time your consultation is scheduled. An initial consultation usually takes at least an hour.
Legal fees for additional legal services are billed on an hourly basis ranging from $300 to $400. Legal assistant and paralegal services are billed at 25% to 80% of our lawyer hourly rates. Some cases can be offered on a fixed fee basis when the scope of the work and specific tasks can be defined with reasonable certainty.
Please contact us by phone 503-224-8654 or by email for a legal consultation.